Access Guidelines

Here you can find out information about getting access to Citizens Television, Inc facility, as well as detailed information about submitting a DVD to air on one of our three channels.



Technical Guidelines for DVD Submission
Citizens Television provides airtime to community producers of programs on an equitable basis and strives to protect and accommodate the public’s First Amendment rights. While Citizens Television can exert no editorial control over content of productions submitted, we reserve the right to determine if a program may be aired when it fails  to meet technical quality standards and submission specifications.

Any producer or sponsor submitting a program for cable-play at CTV must observe the following technical guidelines: 

DVD - One program per DVD until further notice.

- DVD's must be of standard size and in any format  (-R, +R, etc. Not Blu-Ray),

- No bumper (no color bars or tone, no other information) before program content.

- 2 seconds of black at the beginning of the DVD.  5 seconds (or more) of black at the end of the DVD.

- Do not include the  black that is before or after your program in the TRT (Total Running Time) of your program.

- All DVD's must have a continuous video signal with proper audio and video signal levels. 

- CTV reserves the right to prevent or suspend playing of any program with poor audio or video signals.

Running Time of DVD's
The maximum lengths for regular programs is 28:30 minutes or 58:30 minutes. There is no minimum length for your program, except a program in an hour slot should be at least 31 minutes long.

Shows which exceed these times run the risk of being cut off before they conclude. (Permission to run longer programs and odd-timed programs can be obtained from the Program Manager, Tim Dagradi.)

Labeling of DVD's

1. Only a regular, full-covering DVD label, or no label at all, may be on the DVD. CTV has labels that it can provide at no cost.

2.  You may write on the back of the DVD itself with a permanent felt marker (not a pen).  The information must include the Title of the series on file with CTV, the name of the specific episode, the producer or sponsor, the air date, and the TRT (Total Running time) of the program.  If there is video or audio content on the DVD before your program begins, write :CUE:" on the DVD and then write in minute/second format (00:00) how long that content runs before we see the first frame of your program. This is called "cue time."  Do not include the cue time, nor the black at the beginning or end of your program, in your TRT.

3. Please submit  your DVD in a clear jewel case, through which the infromation on the DVD can be read. We are not responsible for damage to disks that are submitted in paper cases or cases that are damaged.

**DVD's that are not correctly labeled and timed will not be played.**             

Standard Program Disclaimers On Your DVD
(Standard disclaimer -  to appear at the beginning of programs cablecast at Citizens Television)

“The following program does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or expressions of Citizens Television, Inc. or those of its employees, advisory council, or Comcast.”

“Citizens Television may not and does not exercise any editorial control over any production on its channels except those specifically produced by CTV.”

Programs cablecast on Citizens Television which contain excessively violent material, excessive adult language, nudity or sexually explicit material shall carry the following disclaimer at the beginning and near the middle of the program:

“This program contains material that may not be suitable for all viewers. Parental discretion is advised.”


(Please refer to the Citizens Television Rules and Procedures section VII. PUBLIC ACCESS CHANNELS for more information.)


843 State St
New Haven, CT, 06511
203-562-2288 ph
203-562-0864 fax

CTV Channels
Program Schedules

26 -Education Access
27 -Public Access
96 -Government Access

Monday: 10am - 6pm
Tues-Thurs: 10am - 8pm
Fri & Sun: CLOSED
Sat: Appointment Only


Producers and Sponsors
must drop off their DVDs
at least one (1) week
prior to the day they are
scheduled to be shown.

If CTV is closed, DVDs
may be submitted in the
secure (camera-monitored)
mailbox provided outside
the door.


CTV Local Origination
Studio Programs

Alma's Place
Alma Hall/CTV, Producer

Another Option
John Mullins, Producer

Bourbon Street
Andrew James, Producer

Brother Gonzalee
Gonzalee Henderson, Producer

Cannabis, Then & Now
George Zito, Producer

Elm City Roots
Angi Carter, Producer

From Where We Sit
Jacquleline Bracey/CTV, Producer

Going Nuts About Health
Dawn Slade/CTV, Producer

Got Girlfriends?
Peaches Quinn/CTV, Producer

In Our Opinion
Dr. Paul Musco, Producer

Keeping It Real
Henry & Cynthia James, Producers

Keith Calls It
Keith Young Sr., Producer

The Lacy Show
Lacy Joy Whitefeather, Producer

Mike Nice
Mike Howard, Producer

Minority Report
Jose Candelario, Producer

Mike Illian & Kurt Boucher, Producers

OneWorld Presents
N'Zinga Shani, Producer

Out In New Haven
John D. Allen/CTV. Producer

Pilot Light
Willard Burnett
& Belinda Roberts, Producers

Sandbox Chronicles
Gabor Kautzner/CTV, Producer

Signs of the Times
Samuel & Cheryl Thomas, Producers

It's News To You
Mike Illian & Kurt Boucher, Producers

Wellness Wisdom
Diane Frankel-Gramelis/CTV Producer

Your Healthcare
Dr. Amit Lahav/CTV, Producer